ID4FEED is producing natural feed supplements in China through its partnership with Qingdao ID4 Biotechnology Ltd to supply the need of its Chinese customers in tailor made solutions. The Company has installed two complete fixing and parking lines and a full equiped laboratory. ID4FEED has also a full distribution network able to cover the full Chinese market.
China is a growing promising market for natural feed additives. During the last decades, the country has pushed the commercial feed production by millions of metric tonnes each year, achieving an output of almost 187 million metric tonnes in 2017.
Speaking to Feedinfo News Service, Professor Qi Guang-Hai of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ Feed Research Institute who spoke at Feed Additives Asia 2018, argued that Chinese industrial feed output is expected at 220 million tons by 2020, up 11% from 2015 – a target which may seem ambitious to some, is a realistic target set by the Chinese government. (