The magazine “La Revue de l’Alimentation Animale of March 2021 has once again honoured us with an insert in an article, alongside big names in the sector such as Nathalie Quiniou of IFIP (the French national swine technical institute).
The JRP (Journées de la Recherche Porcine) took place from the 1st to the 4th of February 2021 in a virtual version. We presented a poster on the effects of feeding capsicum powder to lactating sows and their piglets after weaning which you can find here : Scientific Content – ID4FEED – trials and metabolomics.
Here is the translation of the passage that concerns ID4Feed : « The use of plants and plant extracts was also the subject of several papers and posters, notably by Clémence Messant of ID4Feed who presented a study carried out in Brazil on the effects of feeding Capsicum powder to lactating sows and their piglets after weaning. In this study, feeding 7 mg of capsaicinoids daily to lactating sows did not affect feed intake but tended (non-significantly) to increase litter weight at weaning. In post-weaning, feeding a diet containing 1 mg/kg of capsaicinoids during the first seven days after weaning significantly increased the growth rate of the piglets. The anti-inflammatory properties of capsaicinoids could result to these effects. »