Dr. Cécile Berri
Dr. Cécile Berri is Director of the BOA research unit at INRAE. Her personal research focuses on the genetic and nutritional control of muscle metabolism in relation to poultry meat quality.Her presentation during the Biosis days will focus on the following topic : How can metabolic challenges affect muscle physiology and meat quality in chicken?
Dr. Pr. Francisco Rennó
Dr. Pr. Francisco Palma Rennó is full Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition and Production, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. He will talk about : Effects of dietary Capsicum supplement (ID PHYT CAPCIN®) on productivity of Holstein dairy cows in two different seasons.
Dr. Francis Enjalbert
Dr. Francis Enjalbert is Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, PhD, European Board of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition Currently professor in the Vererinary School of Toulouse. Hisresearch work is focused on ruminal digestion, mainly of fatty acids. The title of his speech during the Biosis days : Metabolic adaptation: a challenge for transition dairy cows.
Dr. Nathalie Quiniou
Dr. Nathalie Quiniou, Agronomic Engineer, PhD in animal science (Agrocampus Ouest, France) Currently working as an active research engineer at IFIP (French technical institute for pig and pork). The title of her presentation is « Feed every sow in the herd for a better farm sustainability »
Dr. Pr. Caio Abercio da Silva
Pr. Caio Abercio da Silva is PhD in Animal Science PhD in Animal Science (São Paulo State University, Brazil). Professor in Londrina State University, Brazil. He will present during Biosis Days : « Improving the performance and health status of sows and their litters under heat stress conditions with capsaicinoids administration »
Clémence Messant-Monier
Clémence Messant-Monier is an Agronomist specialized in Animal Sciences and currently in charge of the operations in HEIDI4 group. Using her experience in Product Management and Business development, she will presents “Heidi book: Poultry – a new approach to design phytogenic solutions adapted to field challenges “
Be patient, the next ones are coming soon !
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